Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One year anniversary

13rd of December was our one year anniversary. It nice of him to remember it and send me a message. Can't imagine that we been together for a year already. Time flies.

In this one year, we been through so much as a couple. We discovered each other uniqueness, goodness and weaknesses. Some are sweet and some are not. No doubt, every relationship do have its up and down and we are not exceptional. Most important, we discussed about it and try to change for a better. We are still learning and many more to discover about each other.

BK make an effort to come over to butterworth to have dinner with me. So, we went to nearby Japanese restaurant "shinjuku" to have a simple celebration. A nice and cosy dinner. (too bad, i didn't bring camera with me so no photo to show)

Thank you,dear. I hope we will celebrate more anniversaries in years to come.

Happy 1st Anniversary and love you (very much)!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joni, could not find any option to ask you reg the error code getting displayed in Csv so posting here .. I am also facing the same issue .. did you find a solution for it ?Please post back here if you do .. its real urgent ..thanks ..
